I finally got hold of a mouse! Okay it’s not a real mouse just the computer mouse.
Mew to all my fans. Robin told me my blog got the first comments.
Some… musings or is it meowsings?. hmmm
- It takes me .01 of a second to get out of the halter leash. I tolerate it…barely…when I want…maybe.
- I am practicing my pouting.. Getting quite good at it, Robin says.
- If I don’t want to go where the leash wants me to go I just flop down and they can drag me or pick me up and carry me. I don’t care I am not moving.
- I don’t understand how I can sit and stare up at the door then at Robin then at the door then at Robin and it doesn’t open like the doors at my real house. Hmm go figure.
- not sure what attitude is but Jack says I have plenty of it.
At least some things haven’t changed…my food and my water dish. Oh and my treats.. and my scratchy post/bed and my special warm fuzzy blankets… .
Some things you just need.
I still dislike the pack up and move the world /do the gypsy thing… but I am (must I say it) enjoying when the trailer stops moving and I can sit on the back of the couch or on one of the easy chairs… (yes I took over a chair. Jack’s I believe) and watch the world go by.
Hmm …doesn’t matter. Just between you and I… If they throw something…anything and yell fetch. (like I’m a dog) I am out of here.