Scratches from Kit the cat:
I do not like driving… so now they make me travel in the trailer. Hmph
I did not vote to go on this trip.
I have meowed more in the last two weeks than I have in My whole life.
I want to go outtttt.
I do not want to go … what is the Maritimes anyways?.
They put a leash on me and then expect me to go for a walk like a common dog. I don’t think soooo.
There are some gigantic birds that I wish I could get a hold of, they squawk a lot and Jack calls them geese. I could become a geese hunter if they only let me.
The only time I’m kind of happy is when Robin is rubbing my belly and oh by the way I get to sleep with them every night. Okay…That’s kind of nice.
Did I mention that I did not get to vote about going on this #*# trip.