Sunday August 29 Willow bunch . There was a different feeling when we drove into Willowbunch probably due to the fact that I knew that I was related to some inhabitants of the area. Willow bunch is a small town or village… hmm maybe just call it a gas station/ restaurant/motel, with a grand museum. The museum which used to be a convent/ school held many old artifacts, of course, but there were neat references to my great great grandfather Simeon (Sam) and his father Andre Gaudry a well known local Metis. When I told the girl at the desk that I was related to the Gaudrys she nodded and stated, “There are a lot of those around here.”
We camped in the Jean Louis Legare campsite The campsite was nicely wooded and rustic as campsites should be. There was a golf course adjacent to the campsite. It rained off and on all-night. We were in a secluded area so we let the cat out to explore. He decided that he did not want to come back to the trailer and took off into the bush for a couple of stress filled hours. Stressful for us but I think he was sitting in the bushes watching us. It rained and poured as we sat and waited for him to come home. He finally came straggling in with a soaking wet coat. He hasn’t been out of the trailer since.
Southern Sask. is very green and according to Jack the crops are amazingly good. He stopped on the road to pick some large brown eyed daisies that reminded him of his childhood. Weather is cool and wet. Highway 18 to Estavan was in rough shape. Had a nice visit wih my Uncle Stan, Auntie Mickey and Carl. Crossed into Manitoba on Monday. Stopped in Souris for gas. I thought it was a pretty, clean little town. Funny how you get feelings about a place within minutes of being there.