Here we are at the Imperial theater in Saint John " Just for Laughs" comedy show. We are Capital one stars.??
We crossed the border and are overniting in Newport, just outside Bangor Maine at the only campsite that we found that is open at this time of the year at this location. Walmart here we come.
Much to Kits disgust he did not get sent back home at the border as I think he was hoping. They did not even look at his papers.
Actually he is doing great or at least if he is meowing, we are not hearing him as he travels in the trailer. He walks better on the leash now... well kinda.
The cat is funny when we set up the satellite dish for TV:
Jack is outside the trailer moving the dish slowly and I'm in the trailer yelling out the window at him (Jack not the cat). I need to tell him the numbers for tuning the satellite. The numbers have to be in the green area and above 50 for the tv to work well. So you can picture me yelling out the numbers, usually they start at around 6, and then when it gets close to being tuned.....Well of course I get excited, my voice gets louder and then the cat starts running around the trailer jumping off and on the furniture. I think he looks forward to tuning the "dish".
We traveled 13,400 K. on our Canada Trip. That does not include the 5 ferry trips.
Bye for now.
HAhaha I can just picture this whole performance!! Lol